She turned 13 in April. We took a birthday trip to Colorado Springs, and I’m going to share here what I shared on instagram that weekend.
Mamas of littles, you will make it here, and it will be better than you imagined. Also more eye rolling than you imagined. But all the time, patience and love you poured into her during the little years shows up in the form of a mature, kind, brilliant, creative, enthusiastic, passionate, funny teen. Also, where you totally screw up, there’s more grace than you know. You’ll see it, and you’ll smile – and you’ll tell other moms to stop sweating the small stuff. Then you’ll continue one day at time because there’s still a bunch of big years ahead, and you don’t want to miss any of it. It’s all too good.
Love this girl a whole lot. Thankful for 13 years with her.
These are beautiful!!!! I am a fan- of your observations of parenting and of Kate! his grace makes all the difference 🌸