Celebrate Biz and Samuel | sienna plantation family photographer

Sometimes I walk away from a session and know I captured something special – that’s how I felt after leaving Biz and Samuel’s session.  They have such a lovely bond that was effortless and beautiful to capture.  It was the gloomiest of days, and literally as I removed the lens cap from my camera, the sun broke through the clouds creating the most gorgeous light in the little clearing where we were shooting.  I think it was meant to be.  Many thanks so Anne for asking me to capture her sister and nephew!

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Biz and Samuel read together regularly, so I thought it might be fun to capture some of that.



Samuel has the most beautiful brown eyes.


Mmmmm.  I know I do the same thing with my kids. There’s nothing quite like their smell – and only moms know.


Samuel and his cards – definitely something we had to capture for posterity.





Biz, it was such a joy to meet you and Samuel. You have a really special boy – but you already knew that!   Thanks so much – I can’t wait for you to see the rest.

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  • shaunaDecember 8, 2009 - 8:09 pm

    the last 3 sessions all look great! i love how all of your pictures reveal a little glimpse of the personality too.

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I'm Laura! I'm based in SoCal, but I travel to Houston at least twice a year for sessions. Enjoy viewing my recent work here on the blog, and please contact me for more information or to book a session. To find out about upcoming specials, my travel schedule, or mini sessions, sign up for my newsletter!



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