Celebrate the K Family | Sienna Plantation Family Photographer

When I left to take this sweet family’s photos, Kate told me I couldn’t  because Ashley was HER friend.  Sorry Kate.

Ashley is four, and while I’ve watched her grow over the last year, it’s crazy the difference a year makes.  Love this family and can’t wait to welcome their second child into the world with them come March!  This will be Ashley’s final Christmas as an only child – she better enjoy it!



told you i was crazy about this angle!




Ashley is totally a daddy’s girl.


I think she’s a little cheeky…


Every mother needs a great mother/child shot.

kir-blog-7This was literally my last frame of the evening, and I adore it!  Kids really are happiest when they’re at play.

Thank you guys for trusting me again this year with your holiday memories! It’s truly an honor to have you as clients and especially friends!!

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    I'm Laura! I'm based in SoCal, but I travel to Houston at least twice a year for sessions. Enjoy viewing my recent work here on the blog, and please contact me for more information or to book a session. To find out about upcoming specials, my travel schedule, or mini sessions, sign up for my newsletter!



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