Celebrate the V Family | Sienna Plantation Family Photographer

This family was full of laughs for me, and I love that we were able to capture some genuine interactions.  They’re obviously close and love one another, and I love to see little brothers looking up to their older siblings.


sigh. this first one is so magical to me.


braden is so stinkin’ adorable. i wanted to bring him home with me.




zachry is one handsome fellow.  and he’s so sweet to his younger brother.



i love this one too, and braden cracks me up.


Thank you guys so much for being willing to tromp through the woods with me — even in heels, Kristie!  Your family is gorgeous, and we got so many beautiful photos!

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  • MareNovember 11, 2009 - 11:05 am

    exponentially getting better. are we going to get to see any living room session photos?

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I'm Laura! I'm based in SoCal, but I travel to Houston at least twice a year for sessions. Enjoy viewing my recent work here on the blog, and please contact me for more information or to book a session. To find out about upcoming specials, my travel schedule, or mini sessions, sign up for my newsletter!



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