Don’t fall out of your chair

Yes, I’m blogging two days in a row.  Go me!   I’ve been so excited to share this awesome family video my cute hubby made.  Larami is a dear friend of mine.  We joke that we’re the closest thing we both have to co-workers.  Her boys are so fun, and we really wanted to capture them doing what kids do – playing a being a family together.

Want to capture your family in a home movie?!?  Email me!

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  • NickiApril 15, 2011 - 1:05 pm

    i love it!!

  • KatieApril 15, 2011 - 4:35 pm

    This was incredible! I love the attention to detail and how you captured how fun this family is! If I was were the parents, I would TREASURE having this for years to come!

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I'm Laura! I'm based in SoCal, but I travel to Houston at least twice a year for sessions. Enjoy viewing my recent work here on the blog, and please contact me for more information or to book a session. To find out about upcoming specials, my travel schedule, or mini sessions, sign up for my newsletter!



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