I first saw this idea over at Nancy Ray’s fabulous blog. Since then, I’ve seen it done other places, and I love it. First, I don’t always share all my iPhone snaps on Instagram, and second, what better way to remember things to be thankful for over the past month.
- Ever since Andy started seminary, the couch is usually cluttered with books, binders and papers. This happens to be one form of clutter I don’t mind.
- I celebrated my birthday this month, and thanks to an amazing friend, the day was really special. Thank you my dear Sunshine for dinner, s’mores and cake. And thank you God for sweet, sweet friends.
- Foggy morning runs on the trail near my house.
- My hubby and his never-ending thoughtfulness. Came out to my car to find my favorite Target muffin and a little love note.
- These crazy beaks I get to call mine.
- Time in the Word getting to know Jesus more.