Just My Kids @ the Houston Zoo | Houston Child Photographer

Yesterday was a glorious day for the zoo!  We’re learning about creation in our homeschool pre-school –  so even though we go to the zoo all the time, I made a special point to talk about all the different creatures that God created.  Kate agreed that God made the elephants, giraffes, and monkeys, but she would not aquiese that God made the ants.  On the drive to the zoo, we listened to our theme song for the week from the Singing Bible, which I have to admit, I enjoy listening to even when the kids aren’t in the car.

And I do believe we have not one but two photographers in the making.



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  • JessOctober 20, 2009 - 11:15 pm

    oh my gosh!! Jack looks so old – he’s growing up so fast!

  • GrammyOctober 21, 2009 - 12:05 am

    I love these pics and yes I agree with Jess – Jack looks so grown up!

  • MareOctober 21, 2009 - 2:58 pm

    Do you ever take a bad picture? (grin)

  • erinOctober 23, 2009 - 3:58 pm

    i love nana lookin so hip even at the houson zoo! excellent photos, laura. as always :)

  • shaunaOctober 23, 2009 - 8:40 pm

    when did they get to be full grown kids… i feel like i just saw jack… now he’s andy #2.

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I'm Laura! I'm based in SoCal, but I travel to Houston at least twice a year for sessions. Enjoy viewing my recent work here on the blog, and please contact me for more information or to book a session. To find out about upcoming specials, my travel schedule, or mini sessions, sign up for my newsletter!



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